


ともかくカレンダーと辞書がないとお話しにならないので、急遽購入した。calendarは相も変らず、ParagonのHandy Calendar、仏語辞書はCollins French Dictionary(英仏・仏英)、どちらもHandangoで購入、プロモコードTRIAL20で20%オフ、Totalで$18.35だったので円高のおかげで安かった.

Dear Handango Customer,
This is to notify you that you did not complete your order in which you selected PayPal as your method of payment.To complete your purchase,

  1. Return to your Handango basket.
  2. Click "Continue" to proceed.
  3. Log in with your account details.
  4. Select PayPal, another payment method or "Add a new payment method."
  5. If you select PayPal, you will be redirected to the PayPal site where you will log in.
  6. Validate the amount, the items you are purchasing and then click "Pay."
  7. Once PayPal has received your funds you will be redirected back to the Handango confirmation page to download your order.
  • Note: we do not accept money sent via the PayPal "Send Money" tab - you must follow the steps above to complete your purchase.
  • If you do not arrange for PayPal payment and complete your order within 3 hours of placing it, we regret that your order will have to be automatically cancelled because we cannot leave PayPal orders open indefinitely. We apologize for any inconvenience.